Friday 24 October 2014

Turning Dreams Into Reality

I was catching up on some reading (of my favourite blogs) this week and stumbled across one of the best pieces of advice that I think I've ever been given. It was exactly what I needed to hear to keep me motivated at this time of year as all of the due dates for my final assessment pieces are drawing closer. I've mentioned it once before that one of my biggest dreams right now is to go and live in Paris (preferably sooner rather than later), yet it wasn't until I heard this advice that I have really made an effort to make this dream come true. 

Grease & Glamour, a travel blogger, wrote a post recently about turning dreams into goals (or something along that line) and it has renewed my motivation and inspired me to turn one of my dreams into a reality. Over the past few months I've been um-ing and ah-ing over going to Paris for an exchange and now I've finally built up the courage to make it a definite yes. 

I'm getting started on managing my money and seeking finical aid for my trip, using tools like a goal saver provided by my bank and talking with my aunt, a well travelled, well organised woman (who is extremely savvy when it comes to money). I've already dived up certain amounts of money that need to be allocated to flights, accommodation, etc and am aiming to get this money through two summer jobs. 

My point is don't sit around wishing for something to happen. Make a final decision by asking yourself - is this possible? Then set a deadline for when you are going to make your dreams come true and work towards it. 

Until next time! xx