Tuesday 17 December 2013

Post School Freak Outs


So it's been a while since we last had a bit of a chat and I found that I needed to vent about the stresses of leaving your final year of high school. Now don't get me wrong leaving school not really the problem because I honestly couldn't be more excited about getting out of that nightmare, but really I'm thinking of all the stresses that are caused afterwards. For me I was tackled by the looming darkness of the overall positions and university offers. I dragged myself down on the thought of what would happen if I didn't get the marks that I needed or wasn't offered an invitation to attend my number one university. I would end up on the floor in a heap of crippling possibilities that weighed me down. I just couldn't handle all the feels that I was bombarded with, which really became a problem. 

Now last weekend I begrudgingly stayed up until 12am to sneak a peak at my overall position. For those of you who aren't Australian (specially Queensland), your overall position or OP is graded from 1-25 (1 being the best, 25 the worst) and is purely based on academic capabilities and potential. It is also how universities decide on who is smart enough for particular courses (ie. medical courses only accept students who receive an OP 1, etc). For my university I needed to receive an OP 11 to even be considered being an applicant. With bitten lips and half a head of hair I discovered that I had gratefully received an OP that allows me into my preferred course. 

My advice for anyone who thinks they are going to go to university after school is to not worry as much as I did. It's not worth the bother as there are so many other paths that you can take to get into the courses you want to study. Funnily enough people don't tell you this earlier on (surprise, surprise for being kept in the dark all the way to the end) and hence the stressing commences as you think its your one and only way in. Even if your not off to university it can be just as stressful jumping straight into full time employment but I can guarantee that eventually things do tend to work themselves out with a bit of effort.

Until next time! xx

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