Thursday 6 February 2014

Promiscuity: Girls vs Boys

I'm putting myself in front of the firing squad once more by telling you all that I love to fool around. Now before you go ahead and start making assumptions lets recap my last post in which I let you all know that I am a virgin. So when I talk about fooling around you can be assured that it isn't as promiscuous as it sounds. In further explanation I am very attracted to the opposite sex so whatever the circumstance may be I love to get it going on - whether it be just a bit of eye sex, flirting or even a sneaky make out session. If your beginning to think "woah, this chic is pretty slutty" or "is she trying to stir up trouble", I'll ask you to please reconsider. I am having fun. That's really all there is to it. I fool around and tug on strings (no pun intended) because it is fun.

If we rewind this conversation a little and pretend like I'm a guy, what would your reaction be now? I'm almost certain it would have gone along the lines of "that's just how boys are" or even go so far as to thinking me as a lucky guy for "getting around". Can you see the difference? Now you can go ahead and call me a feminist because I see this as both unfair and derogatory. It might surprise a lot of you out there but girls want some sexy time just as much as guys do, yet we are made to feel guilty about it and are told to hide it away and suppress this side of ourselves.

Single or not women love the idea of being able to 'flaunt there thing' and utilise what beautiful figures we've got. As far as this topic goes women seem to always be in the wrong, whether that's because of the clothes we wear or the way we act/speak. Now if I'm going to a party or out on a date I'm likely to wear clothes that highlight my curves for two reasons, 1) to feel sexy as hell and boost my confidence and 2) to look attractive cause lets be honest I won't be getting any treats if I look like I've just walked out of a monastery (and who doesn't want treats). That doesn't make me slutty because I'm not doing it for sex nor does it make me a tease as I'm actually doing it for myself. People forget that selfishness is a thing and quite frankly when I go out I'm thinking about myself and making a good impression whether that be for the near or distant future. Many people make wrong assumptions about this kind of behaviour and assume its the reason for rape (which it isn't, but I'm not going into that topic at all today).

In conclusion, this inequality in the genders is something that is really infuriating for women across the globe. We need to stand united and abolish these stupid customs that society has seemed to press upon us. Please take some kind of message from this post whether that be awareness or the knowledge that you aren't in the wrong and let it be know to everyone around you. I've defiantly informed the people I surround myself of this and it really has helped in the sense that judgements are lessened and the people that matter don't mind that I float from guy to guy and have no intentions of settling down.

   Until next time! xx Mackenzie

1 comment:

  1. I hate double standards and the silly myths about girls having sex to get attention Girls have sex because they want to
